Benefits of adding monosilicic acid (Si)(OH>4), to your nutrient program
Adding monosilicic acid (Si(OH)4), commonly referred to as silicon (Si), to your nutrient program in agriculture can offer several benefits for plants and crops. Silicon is considered a beneficial element for various reasons:
Enhanced Structural Support: Silicon is deposited in plant cell walls, increasing their rigidity and thickness. This enhanced structural support helps plants stand upright and resist lodging, which is especially important for tall, heavy crops like grains.
Disease Resistance: Silicon can stimulate a plant's natural defense mechanisms, making it more resistant to various diseases, including fungal and bacterial pathogens. It acts as a physical barrier, preventing pathogen penetration.
Pest Resistance: Silicon can deter herbivorous pests, such as insects and mites, by making plant tissues less palatable and harder to consume.
Abiotic Stress Tolerance: Silicon has been shown to improve a plant's ability to withstand abiotic stresses, such as drought, salinity, and metal toxicity. It helps by regulating water and nutrient uptake, reducing oxidative stress, and improving overall stress tolerance.
Improved Nutrient Uptake: Silicon can enhance the uptake and transport of certain nutrients, such as calcium and boron, which can positively impact plant growth and development.
Reduced Transpiration: Silicon has been observed to reduce transpiration (the loss of water vapor through plant leaves), which can be especially beneficial in water-limited conditions.
Increased Photosynthesis: Silicon has the potential to enhance photosynthesis, leading to increased plant productivity and crop yields.
Reduction in Aluminum Toxicity: In acidic soils, aluminum toxicity can be detrimental to plants. Silicon can reduce aluminum toxicity by forming complexes with aluminum ions.
Environmental Benefits: Silicon is considered an environmentally friendly addition to nutrient programs because it can help reduce the need for chemical pesticides and increase crop resilience to various environmental stresses.
Long-Term Benefits: Silicon has been found to have a long-lasting effect in soils, improving overall soil health and benefitting subsequent crops.
It's important to note that not all crops respond to silicon in the same way, and the benefits may vary depending on the plant species, soil type, and specific growing conditions. Additionally, the form of silicon applied and the application method can influence its effectiveness.